正文 十二头牛



























The Twelve Oxen

There were twelve brothers who fell out with their father, and all twelve of them left home. They built themselves a house in the woods and made their living as carpenters. Meanwhile their parents had a baby girl, who was a great fort to them. The child grew up without ever meetiwelve brothers. She had only heard them mentioned, and she loo see them.

One day she went to bathe at a fountain, and the first thing she did was remove her coral necklad hang it on a twig. A raven came by, grabbed the necklace, and flew off with it. The girl ran into the woods after the raven and found her brothers house. No one was at home, so she cooked the noodles, spoohem onto the brothers plates, and hid under a bed. The brothers returned and, finding the noodles ready and waiting, sat down and ate. But then they grew uneasy, suspeg the witches had played a joke on them, for the woods were full of witches.

One of the twelve kept watch the day and saw the girl jump out from uhe bed. When the brothers learned she was not a witch but their own little sister, they made a great to-do over her and insisted that she remain with them. But they cautioned her to speak to no one in the woods, because the place was full of witches.

One evening when the girl went to prepare supper, she found that the fire had go. To save time, she went to a nearby cottage to get a light. An old woman at the cottage graciously gave her the light, but said that, in exge, she would e to the girl on the morrow and suck a bit of blood from her little finger.

"I t let anyone in the house," said the girl. "My br

